Presentation Guidelines

Presentation Guidelines

IEEE reserves the right to exclude the paper from distribution after the conference (e.g. removal from IEEE Xplore) if the presenting author is absent.

Oral Presentation

  1. The official language is English.
  2. Each oral presentation is allocated a 15-minute time slot including Q&A. It is strongly recommended that presenters plan on a 12-minute presentation and leave 3 minutes for Q&A.
  3. All the presenters are required to use the laptops provided by the organizer for presentation. If using a PowerPoint presentation, please save the file in USB and upload it to the conference laptop in the meeting room. Our staff will assist you to save your file. We highly recommend you to bring two copies of your file or as a backup.
  4. Please use standard font and the Windows Operating System only.
  5. Screen resolution of the PC in the session room is set to XGA (1024x768). Please set your presentation file at the same resolution.
  6. If your presentation contains linked audio or movie files, please save the files in the same folder.
  7. Please arrive in the session room no less than 15 minutes before the beginning of your session.

Poster Presentation
  1. The poster board in portrait format is reserved for each poster.
  2. Authors are requested to prepare their posters in standard A0 size (841mm x 1189 mm) in advance.
  3. The presenting author is expected to present the work in front of the poster during the poster session.

Assembling Date/Time
Poster Session I: 08:30-10:50, July 9
Poster Session II: 08:30-09:00, July 10
Poster Session III: 08:30-09:00, July 11

Presenting Date/Time
Poster Session I: 10:50-12:20, July 9
Poster Session II: 09:00-10:30, July 10
Poster Session III: 09:00-10:30, July 11

Removal Date/Time
Poster Session I: 12:20-17:00, July 9
Poster Session II: 10:30-14:00, July 10
Poster Session III: 10:30-14:00, July 11